Crispina and I tackled a juicy topic this week: money!
And not just any money, we’re talking salary negotiation.
Joining us is Ken Tan, a bigwig at PersolKelly, who spills the beans on how to score that bigger paycheck (and maybe even snag some sweet work-life balance perks along the way).
Forget just asking for more cash, Ken says.
Think “evidence-based conversation with your boss.”
He’ll show you how to gather proof of your awesomeness and frame the talk like a friendly chat (no need for battle cries!).
Oh, and get ready for some good news: degrees aren’t everything anymore!
Ken reveals how your skills and experience are taking centre stage in the job market.
So, dust off that resume and get ready to shine!
Listen to the episode on Apple, Overcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast platform.