The Evolution of Company Culture

Company culture is like fashion – it’s always changing.

What was hip yesterday can quickly become outdated as new trends emerge.

This holds true for corporate culture as well.

In the past, company culture was an afterthought.

As long as employees finished their work, leadership didn’t think much about whether they were engaged or happy.

But today’s workforce expects more. Culture has become a critical driver of business success.

When choosing where to work, workers now prioritize alignment with a company’s values and mission.

So how can organizations evolve their cultures to attract top talent and fuel growth?

Here are a few key elements to focus on:

Foster transparency. Employees crave open communication and insight into company strategy. Leaders should share goals and plan freely across the organization. Town halls, AMAs, and skip-level meetings give people visibility. Transparency breeds trust and engagement.

Promote flexibility. Rigid, one-size-fits-all policies around when and where people work are losing relevance. Offer flexibility in scheduling and location. Support things like remote work and compressed weeks. Autonomy boosts productivity and satisfaction.

Encourage collaboration. Innovation springs from diverse viewpoints coming together. Dismantle silos and foster cross-functional cooperation. Remove bureaucracy that isolates teams. Make collaboration tools readily available. Aligned goals and open sharing of ideas unlock creativity.

Focus on well-being. People expect support for physical and mental health from their employers. Offer amenities like outdoor spaces, fitness centres, and nap pods. Promote the use of time off. Consider perks like counselling benefits. Wellbeing drives resilience and morale.

Double down on DEI. Employees demand more than lip service to diversity, equity and inclusion. Set representation goals. Tie leadership incentives to DEI outcomes. Audit for bias in hiring and promotions. Train managers on mitigating microaggressions. DEI is both a moral and business imperative.

Enable continuous growth. The half-life of skills is rapidly shrinking. Allow time for learning weekly. Sponsor conference and workshop attendance. Offer tuition reimbursement. Upskilling ensures an adaptable, future-ready workforce.

Culture doesn’t change overnight. It requires consistency in messaging and role modelling from leaders.

But organizations that rebuild their cultures around transparent, flexible, collaborative, inclusive foundations give themselves an edge in retaining and inspiring talent to drive sustainable growth.

Want to learn more about culture building?

Don’t miss the Power Session: Disrupting Corporate Culture at People Matter’s Tech HR 2023 conference.

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