Brag about yourself for 35 seconds

I got this from Noah Kagan’s podcast, in which he got his guest to brag about herself for 35 seconds.

I was quite blown away by that question, given how much of an imposter syndrome I carry.

And I did the most uncomfortable thing – I attempted my 35 seconds to brag about myself.

Well, I did that to myself so I couldn’t get any feedback, but it felt weird—but also liberating.

Often time we beat ourselves down, especially in our Asian culture where we can always do better.

But narrow the perimeter and look at your achievements from a narrow lens. Actually, most of us have moved mountains.

Yes, there are bigger mountains; others may have moved them even faster and better than you.

But life is not a competition with others.

It is a competition against the version of yourself from a year ago.

So, give credit where credit is due. After which, ask your annoying monkey brain that is still belittling your achievement to shut the fuck up.

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