Category Work

HR in the New Blended Workforce: Bots & Humans

[guestpost]This is a guest post by Sophie Parker. She blogs over at Surehand, where industrial safety professionals can find their perfect job. It is her aim to help create a safer world, one inspector at a time.[/guestpost] Technology has become…

How To Be Productive When You Work From Home

With the COVID-19 situation still hanging in the air, many companies that could implement some form of remote work have done so. This is done to minimize the possibility of their employees contracting the virus since you have lesser chance…

What you missed at #Workfest 2020

What do an awesome venue, great audience, delicious food make? An unbelievable event in the form of #Workfest2020. And it doesn’t stop there. There were product launches, major updates and interaction zones for guests to not just see but feel.…