We have learned over the past 2 pandemic years that the same activities conducted under remote settings don’t exactly reaped the same kind of outcome.
Try to brainstorm over Zoom and you know exactly what I mean.
But as we emerge from the pandemic, many companies also realised that operating in a remote setting actually work for them and intend to continue.
Companies like Airbnb, LinkedIn, PWC and Dropbox are allowing their staffs to work from anywhere permanently.
With culture the glue that holds people and companies together, things will be challenging for HR departments.
Building a culture is more difficult for remote teams because they are physically separated, but the need is even higher without in-person contacts to establish culture.
And that’s what encouraged Nathan Deverre to create Flambé, an employee engagement platform that brings teams together through live streamed activities.
Pain Point
When Nathan was managing teams who moved from going to the office to being either fully remote or hybrid for Vietnam temporarily, he noticed that the teams felt disconnected from one another, and became less cohesive because they did not really know one another well.
The sense of community was deteriorating and sometimes feel like they are working in a vacuum.
This led to a decrease in collaboration among team members and an increase in time spent on individual tasks.
Team members were relying on each other less and less, and were becoming more like freelancers than colleagues.
On the other hand, they would trade the flexibility of remote working for anything!
The team leaders did an excellent job to create a sense of community but he also noticed that team members were working even more in silos.
The new employees who joined remotely had difficulty integrating into the team. They struggled with feeling part of a greater whole and were less likely to bond as a group.
The co-founders recognized that this problem was not unique to them and spent several months interviewing hundreds of leaders about their pain points, ultimately building their product with their input.
It helped that his co-founder, Natalya Smolenskaya has experience in B2B online events and running workshops for large tech and consulting companies such as Google, Facebook, Deloitte etc.
How are companies dealing with this current problem?
Most companies organize activities to boost team morale. Such activities often are mandatory for teams to join, but they do not appeal to all employees.
If a company offers yoga classes, it can be costly; furthermore, such activities take time to plan.
By providing a cultural infrastructure, companies can save themselves time and money while allowing employees to take part in activities of their own choice.
On-site events are usually organized by team leaders, who often focus on their own teams rather than fostering connections between departments.
What is Flambé
Flambé is an employee engagement platform that brings teams together through live streamed activities.
The employee-driven platform offers team members access to live activities from wellness to hobbies, to personal development, all led by professional coaches.
Flambé makes it easy to discover what your co-workers are passionate about and connect them around their personal interests.
It shapes culture to be more inclusive and engaging turning the team into a close-knit community while building stronger ties between co-workers.
Flambé also helps cultivate a culture of belonging and boost employee morale, wellness and engagement.
Driving sense of belonging
Flambé serves the companies that want to transform the way they work and put their employees at the centre of the business.
They helps companies to break down the silos within the teams and focus on people to create a stronger sense of belonging among co-workers.
The corporations they work with have developed a firm culture at the organization’s core in order to stay at the forefront of the talent war.
For more information about Flambé, please visit their website www.flambe.io.
You can also schedule a demo with them here.