Gary Gan is an experienced entrepreneur and marketer, involved in the startup of several successful companies across a broad spectrum of industries.
He is currently co-founder of JobKred, a skills intelligence platform that uses AI and data science to understand the evolving industry skills demand, and guides people to close their skills gaps and navigate the future of work. JobKred is used by Fortune 50 enterprises, top-ranked universities, government agencies and international aid agencies like the World Bank.
Gary has been invited to speak at conferences such as Asian Development Bank’s Skills Forum, World Bank Annual Meeting 2018 and PASET Forum 2019, UNESCO AI and Education Forum, NTUC’s Shaping Careers and Channel NewsAsia SingaporeTonight, on entrepreneurship, AI and the future of work.
What I discussed with Gary:
- Skills inventory
- How to embark on a skills journey for newbie
- What if companies train their people and they leave?
- And many more…
Please enjoy!
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